Day 5. Blythe, CA to Wickenburg, AZ 115 miles and 3,600 ft climb

Beautiful sunny day, crossing the Colorado River first thing into Arizona. But brutal first 30 miles on the berm of I-10 East with 20+mph cross winds. Fortunately after that we headed northeast towards Wickenburg through hills and cactus. Wickenburg is a cute western town.

4 responses to “Day 5. Blythe, CA to Wickenburg, AZ 115 miles and 3,600 ft climb”

  1. Thanks for the posts. Loving being able to see you every day! The desert looks brutal and beautiful. How’s the sunscreen?


    1. LOVE it!! Thanks so much for sharing yours!


  2. Sounds like a tough one, uphill all day…my burning question is what did you eat and/or what souvenir did you get at “The Country Store?!” A hot dog and a dreamcatcher maybe? Onward!


  3. Nancy Kramer Avatar
    Nancy Kramer

    Yikes! The wind sounds crazy! Love your posts Tanny!!! Thinking of you each and every day!


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