Day 19 Dalhart, TX to Guymon, OK. 72 miles and 150 ft of climbing!

A beautiful but cool sunny day, starting out with headwinds 20-30 mph. We biked on the same cattle truck road as yesterday, so we had a lovely, long pace line that worked well given the wind conditions. Not much to see but wide open spaces. An interesting side note, this morning I started an Audible book, The Four Winds (by a favorite author of mine, Kristin Hannah) about the Dust Bowl back in the ‘30’s. Unbeknownst to me, it takes place in Dalhart, TX! A very good read as we bike through this part of the country!

We continue to bike right next to the train tracks, and I counted 173 train cars today. We also met “Tex”, a 20 ft tall gunslinger along the road, right before we crossed into Oklahoma, our 5th State! We stopped for a snack in Texhoma, population 596, and finally found our way to Guymon, which sits in the panhandle of Oklahoma.

The first picture below shows our daily “route rap” where we hear from our fearless leader, Paula, sharing the route of the day, our SAG stops, and other interesting fun facts about where we’re headed!

One response to “Day 19 Dalhart, TX to Guymon, OK. 72 miles and 150 ft of climbing!”

  1. thx for sharing all these amazing pictures! You go girl ! Xo Cheryl


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